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(904) 932-0146

Donation Request

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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Comments 1

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Call back gets "thank you for calling MDS communications." It then goes on to tell you they are telephone fundraising company for nationally recognized charities. I looked up MDS communications and it says it is a "family owned" telephone fundraising company. In other words, it's one of those for profit (big profit) telemarketers turned fundraiser. The recording goes on to tell you they apologize for calling you if you have signed up for the do-not-call list but they are exempt. I find these people despicable, especially knowing that they keep a huge percentage of the money they garner. If you want to donate to a charity, call the charity directly and donate directly. Cut out this unethical middle man.

August 14, 2023

Donation Request

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