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(866) 859-4380

Debt Collector

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
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Debt Collector

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Comments 2

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Ok, I have to retract the above statement about Concord. The financing company I used DOES use Concord as my loan provider. I failed to thoroughly read the paperwork before making my complaint online. I called Concord and explained / apologized abt my rush to judgment abt their company. Alex, the rep, was very nice/helpful and took my error in stride. Now I must go and wash the egg from my face.😖

November 9, 2022

Debt Collector

Just rec'd a call from Concord Servicing (866-859-4380, 480-214-0553) w a msg directly for me to return their call. I researched the company and since I had recently financed some plumbing repairs w another company I,  thought that the financing company had sold my loan to Concord. I returned the call and the rep who answered had a very heavy foreign accent. He wanted me to verify my address, email address, and last 4 digits of SS#. I told him I had no business whatsoever w Concord and emphatically refused to give him the info. He said his company was working on behalf of another company and when I asked him what company, he said he could not confirm this info. I hung up, blocked the number, and called the plumbing company to see if they had business w Concord. While on the call, Concord called again but was immediately disconnected. I am in good standing w any loans I have, have excellent credit and do not have a timeshare. There is no reason for this company to contact me. All I can say is beware and if you have no business w this company, hang up!

November 9, 2022

Debt Collector

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