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(804) 508-6255


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August 5, 2024

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Comments 1

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

They called me to ask about buying my home. It was a recording at first. Later, I was transferred to a live agent. When I tried to tell the person (kindly and tactfully) that I was not interested, they kept using roadblocks, in an attempt to persuade me. The person then asked why I felt so strongly about not selling and then tried to make it appear that homeownership would be a hardship for me in ten years. At that point, I hung up. They immediately called me back. It was the same person, and they continued to probe me. I got angry and told them to never call me again. After I hung up (2nd time), they called me back again. This time, the caller called me a “black bitch” and told me that I should be grateful for anyone desiring to buy houses in my neighborhood (referring to it as a cesspool). Then, they hung up.

November 14, 2023

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