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(803) 891-4051


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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August 21, 2024

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Comments 1

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

1- 8 00- 5 0 8- 1 0 7 7 This call was to let you know that all past due tax debt has been placed in a noncollectible status meaning you will not have to pay back your past due taxes This is part of that new federal economic recovery program . You've probably heard about on the news so before you file or start making arrangements to pay your tax debt , give us a call again . My number is 1- 8 00- 5 0 8- 1 0 7 7 . thanks for your time and talk to you soon

April 1, 2024

IRS Scam

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