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(740) 443-3028

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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January 9, 2022

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Comments 1

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

I got a call from 1 740 443 3028. And I says the anti-virus Norton and some others are not working and they would give us 399 dollars back or charge us to continue service . So I call the number and this is what happens. When I called the number the guy answered and I could not understand him also when I asked him more then one time who was he and what company did he work for he got extremely mad saying are you stupid i answer your question. But he didn't . You could just tell there was something just not right so he finily told me he was from the geek squad i thought that was funny you didn't say anything about bestbuy. So I got upset and told him to stop scamming incent hard working people and he hung up .I called back and straight to voice mail. So I called best buy and asked if they knew anything about this and of course they didn't. So dose anybody know anything about this number? I'd really like to know. Thank you.

July 8, 2020

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