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(713) 564-8555



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August 6, 2024

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Comments 1

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Voicemail from 17135648555 11:39:44 AM 06-May-2024 "Hi this is Hayley calling with the funding department at 82 easy funding. I'm following up on a piece of mail we sent your company regarding a preapproval for a business line of credit up to hundred and $65,000 with rates starting at a 4.9%. Your personal credit score is not a factor. This preapproval is based on your business industry in cash flow. However it is imperative that I speak with you as soon as possible before the preapproval expires. You can reach me directly at 1-800-319-6156. Again my number is 1-800-319-6156. I look forward to speaking with you and I hope you have a great day."

May 15, 2024


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