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July 13, 2022

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Comments 2

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

downtown las vegas jail Not an actual inmate though. The scummy scammy company that owns this phone (and the absurd fake phone company that supplies its line into the real actual city phone system) is super predatory for fees and getting people to buy outrageously priced time blocks to accept calls from their 'phone company'. Any thing deemed 'long distance', 'not in our network', or 'cell phone' has to open an account and buy time blocks to speak to anyone on the inmate phones. Of course this is laced with crazy time limits and fees and ridiculous per minute charges so it's too their advantage if you never actually use it - just like the old gift card system when that started and they'd make the card worthless in a matter of months if you didn't use it right away. It's just them dialing every number they can in the hopes they find someone that has family or friends that might be unlucky enough to have a run in with the corrupt af LVMPD and/or someone who'll panic and buy a block of time just in case someone they know is unfortunately calling them from jail. They don't care if you use the account ever because eventually it's all their money anyway.

October 26, 2020



August 11, 2020


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