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(570) 395-2013


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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June 26, 2023

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Comments 2

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Fake medical alert and home security sales scam call. These scammers sell devices that are really useless and nothing but fake electronics that are just designed to generate profits from their monthly fake monitoring fees! They often say something like "This is John. I am a homeowners, security, or medical associate on a recorded line calling in regards to safety concerns in your home." The wording is designed to make you feel like there is danger all around you. It is basically a fearmongering scare tactic just like the thousands of India phone scams using fake Social Security or IRS threats to sue or arrest you. Many scammers and spammers now say that they are "on a recorded line" in hopes that you do not shout profanities or threats at the scammer. Whenever I hear this "recorded line" nonsense (which so far is not a phrase used by the thousands of East Indian scammers), I always later reply to them, "Since you are on a recorded line, you are obviously in violation of the U.S. National Do-Not-Call Registry by phoning me on your recorded line. Can you please email me a copy of this recording so I can report your call to authorities?" But long before I comment on their "recorded line" nonsense, I always love to toy with these scammers by dragging them along on the phone call and playing with them. I ask these scammers if their medical alert button is a cellphone that lets me phone friends or play MP3 music, if their panic device offers a Taser option so I can Taser a home intruder, whether a Glock 9mm pistol or their fake home security system offers better "bang for the buck", what happens if I wear their panic button necklace in the shower and the necklace gets caught on the hot water knob so I get strangled and scalded at the same time, if their home security system offers a self-destruct giant bomb option in case the zombie apocalypse overwhelms me, etc, etc, etc. As with the thousands of India scammers, the best defense against phone scammers is a good offense by not quickly hanging up the phone, but instead playing with them for at least 10 minutes while I do other things so I can use up more of their time and energy!

December 28, 2019


Annoying constantly call, please block

December 15, 2019


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