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June 29, 2024

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FAKE Dealer Services, Complete Auto Care, United Advisors, or Consumer Insurance Association car warranty, insurance, or car payment scam by criminals phoning from the Philippines. This is a fake car warranty extension or car insurance scam by criminals robo-dialing from the Philippines, stealing your credit card number, Social Security number, and personal information. The scam begins with a pre-recorded message speaking English that is generated using text-to-speech translation software to disguise the origin of this scam. The initial message may say something like: "I am from vehicle servicing (or dealer processing) to give you one last courtesy call as our records indicate that the factory warranty coverage on your vehicle has expired, is that right?" or "Hi, this is Karen/Abigail/fake-name. I am with Consumer Insurance Association and I am calling about your car insurance payments. How are you doing today?" or "You should have received something in the mail about your car's extended warranty." (fake!) The phone call may also begin with an IVR robot who asks you questions and responds based upon your replies. The scammer may mention an incorrect brand of car that you own because they are often just guessing at car brands to offer you a warranty extension. Another version of this scam has the scammer telling you that they can lower your insurance rates and pretends that they work with Allstate, State Farm, and others. Their scam works its way into asking for your name, address and other personal information, Social Security and credit card numbers. If you decline their fake scam, they sometimes threaten you, saying that you need their fake insurance or else you can be arrested or fined. A third version tells you that your new car is ready to be picked up from the dealer, but you need to purchase their warranty service. A fourth scam run by this Filipino scammer impersonates a debt collector, threatening you for being behind on your car payments and again asking for your credit card number so they can "update your account for the current debt due". About 50% of North America scam calls come from India and 45% come from the Philippines. Foreign scammers run thousands of fraud, extortion, money laundering scams every day such as posing as a fake pharmacy, fake Social Security officer saying your benefits are suspended, IRS officer collecting on fake unpaid back taxes, debt collector threatening you for fake unpaid bills, fake bank/financial/FedEx/UPS/DHL scams, posing as utility/phone/internet companies, pretending to offer fake health insurance, car warranty, student loan forgiveness, credit card and debt consolidation services, posing as Amazon to falsely say an unauthorized purchase was made to your credit card, posing as Microsoft/Dell/HP/Apple to say your account has been hacked or they detected a virus on your computer, fake "we are refunding your money" or "your account has been auto-debited" scams, fake Google/Alexa listing scams, fake solar panel and home purchase offers, fake fundraisers asking for donations, fake phone surveys, and the scammers try to steal your financial and personal data. Indian scammers often rotate through fake tech support, subscription auto-renewal, and fake pharmacy scams on the same day. Filipino scammers run many auto/home/health/life insurance, Social Security and Medicare identity theft, loan and tax/debt relief scams, and fake charity donation scams. Scammers use disposable VoIP phone numbers (e.g. MagicJack) or they spoof fake names and numbers on Caller ID. Anyone can use telecom software to phone with a fake CID name/number. Scammers spoof thousands of fake 8xx toll-free numbers. CID is useless with scam calls unless the scam asks you to phone them back. CID area codes are never the origin of scam calls since scams use spoofed CID numbers from across the US and Canada, numbers belonging to unsuspecting people, invalid area codes, and fake foreign country CID numbers; e.g. fake women crying "help me" emergency scams spoof Mexico and Middle East CID numbers. Scammers often spoof the actual phone numbers of businesses such as banks to trick you into thinking the call is valid. How can you avoid being scammed by phone calls? NEVER trust any unsolicited caller who: sells something (most unsolicited calls are scams so your odds of saving money are very poor); asks for your Medicare or Social Security number; offers debt relief, loan services, Medicare assistance (people who are old or desperate in debt are often scam targets); offers a free gift/reward; threatens you with arrest/lawsuit; asks you to access a website, download a file, wire transfer money or buy prepaid debit/gift cards; claims your account is frozen or has suspicious activity; says a subscription is refunded or auto-renewed/auto-debited; and all recorded messages. Recordings are far more likely to be malicious scams and not just telemarketer spam. All unsolicited callers with foreign accents, usually Indian or Filipino, are mostly scams. Filipino scammers tend to speak better English than Indian scammers. Filipinos speak English with a subtle accent that may sound Hispanic. Scams often falsely say that you previously contacted them or visited their website. Indian scammers play fake Amazon recordings. Amazon account updates are emailed, not robo-dialed. Many banks use automated fraud alert calls to confirm a suspicious purchase, but always call the number printed on your credit card to verify if the fraud alert is real or fake. Scammers impersonate phone/cable/internet companies, offering fake discounts or service upgrades. Indians impersonate the IRS and Social Security Administration. The IRS/SSA never make unsolicited calls and never threaten to arrest you; they initiate contact via postal mail. Real lawsuits are not phoned in, especially not using recorded threats lacking details; legal notices are mailed/couriered. The police, FBI, DEA never phone to threaten arrest; they show up in person with a warrant. Scammers try to gain your trust by saying your name when they call; your name, address, birthday are public data. Scammers often play recordings speaking English, Spanish, or Chinese that is easily generated using text-to-speech translation software to disguise the origin of their overseas phone room. Some speech synthesis sound robotic, but most AI-speech sound very realistic. To hide their foreign origin, some India scammers use non-Indians in their phone room. Scammers often use interactive voice response (IVR) AI software that combines voice recognition with artificial intelligence, speaks English with American voices, and responds based on your replies. IVR calls begin with: "This is fake_name, I am a fake_job_title on a recorded line, can you hear me okay?"; or "Hi, how are you doing today?"; or "Hello? Are you there?"; or "Hi, may I speak to your_name?" IVR quickly asks you a short question to elicit a yes/no reply so it hangs up if it encounters voicemail. IVR robots understand basic replies and yes/no answers. To test for IVR, ask "How is the weather there?" since IVR cannot answer complex questions. IVR usually transfers you to the scammer, but some scams entirely use IVR with the robot asking for your credit card or SSN. A common myth is IVR calls record you saying "yes" so scammers can authorize purchases just using your "yes" reply, but scammers need more than just a recorded "yes" voice sample from you. Phone/email scams share two common traits: the CID name/number and the "From:" header on emails are easily faked, and the intent of scam calls is malicious just as file attachments and website links on scam emails are harmful. Scams snowball for many victims. If your personal/financial data are stolen, either by being scammed, visiting a malicious website, or by a previous data breach of a business server that stores your data, then your data gets sold by scammers on the dark web who will see you as fresh meat and prey on you even more. This is why some receive 40+ scam calls everyday while others get only 0 to 2 calls per week. If you provide your personal data to a phone scammer, lured by fake 80%-discounted drugs or fake loan and debt services, you receive even more phone scams and identity theft can take years to repair. Most unsolicited calls are scams, often with Indian or Filipino accents. No other countries are infested with phone room sweatshops filled with criminals. Scammers often shout profanities. Just laugh at their abusive insults. Google "Hindi swear words" and memorize some favorites, e.g. call him "Randi Ka Beta" (son of whore) or call her "Randi Ka Betty" (daughter of whore). Scammers ignore the National Do-Not-Call Registry; asking scammers to stop calling is useless. Scam recordings often tell you to press a keypad number to be placed on their Do-Not-Call list or to unsubscribe from their scam texts/emails, but those keypad commands are fake and they say that just to look legit. Scammers often provide a toll-free callback number to look like a real business, but they regularly shed old callback numbers so you can never reach the scammers once you have realized that you were scammed. Scammers tell you their callback number just to gain your trust long enough to steal your identity and money and then they regularly discard callback numbers and get new ones. You do these scammers a favor by quickly hanging up. But you ruin their scams when you slowly drag them along on the phone call, give them fake personal and credit card data (16 random digits starting with 4 for Visa, 5 for MasterCard), ask them to speak louder and repeat what they said to waste their time and energy.

June 29, 2024


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January 31, 2019

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