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(458) 201-6826

Financial Service

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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May 18, 2023

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Comments 4

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

I received this call today and it sounds like the same voice that's on this website it's recording. It asked when I could catch on my voicemail saying press one if I don't want to receive these calls anymore and I know and I recognize that voice that I've already in the past pressed one and it directly send you to somebody and I reported it and or it was supposed to take me off according to its call and it hasn't. Please be advised that I know if you're applying for credit that for some reason issuance of credit cards has been delayed for many weeks from several credit card companies and I am wondering if our information has been stolen. Or some information has been stolen from another source and no one has notified us as of yet because this is how they get the phone numbers and they buy them for said price. Please watch if you also use car services particularly one which I cannot mention but after 3 months they try to hack your card some credit card companies will not let you use your credit card because they know that they're stealing your credit keep a close eye on your credit card if you use it to use car services because there might be some charges that you think you had and you did not. It is just best to purchase a gift card from your local store and load it then take divorce your credit card company to any car driving services at around here today one particular company is infamously famous for stealing money from your credit card but you won't recognize and there's no way to report it to their corporate headquarters or contact them in any manner when you try to search for it on the internet. Good luck be safe and I hope no one gets scanned this is sad very sad. When the government finds them they sue them and take their money for millions but none of us get any part of that and you should.

February 4, 2023

Financial Service

Received half of a voicemail message today. Sounds like the same voice that's on the recording on this webpage. I don't know how these people are getting my number I don't go to any malicious websites etc ..... I can only assume that my number was achieved by somebody losing my information that was hacked that hasn't been reported on the news or media yet or it has and they're not notifying everyone that has been compromised.

February 4, 2023

Financial Service
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