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(315) 741-3850


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September 6, 2024

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hello hello this is how calls on behalf of █████

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Comments 2

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

UnitedHealth Care insurance house calls program. When you return the call to the phone number the robocall leaves you have the option to have a dr come to your home yearly. They do as it says, a home check. Take your BP, weight, make sure you're taking your medicine correctly. After this is completed you'll get a $75 visa gift card in the mail. This was my 4th year having mine done. You'll also receive $20 after you take your yearly physical. There are a couple other programs I can't recall. Of course you have to be a UnitedHealth customer. I guess it makes sense financially for them to check in yearly. If you're taking care of yourself you'll cost them less in insurance claims. Hope this helps everyone. Amanda

May 16, 2024

Health Insurance

These people won't leave me alone. They keep calling from different numbers once I block the latest one used to call me. Initially it would come up as a spam/scam call, but this time just now it got past those flagging systems and showed up as a trusted number. I have never heard of these people before, and you'd think that they would stop bothering me by now after all the time they've spent being told to fuck off by the screen call feature via google assistant...

October 2, 2023


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