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(315) 724-4022

Credit Card

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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Comments 20

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

They asked if I made online purchase a few minutes ago using Bank of America credit card I opened 8/13/24 in Georgia. I told her that's not me, I don't own B of A credit card. She said they'll contact the Homeland Security to investigate this activity and during the investigation all my credit card will be closed and pulled my info out of dark website. I was suspicious about the call even though she never asked my SSN or credit card info. I asked her full name and she gave me and even gave me her ID#. She told me if I have any question I can call Bank of America Security Center 1-800-432-1000. That phone# is legit but the number she called 315-724-4022 is not... My credit monitoring company didn't flag about this activity either so not sure what was this phone call was about if it was a some kind of scam. They did know my full name and phone# ... Did they just want to confirm those information..??

September 3, 2024


This number called my home phone about 10 times in ten minutes. When I answered I got a buzzing noise and an audible click.

May 31, 2024

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