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Comments 4

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

This call never got through to me even though I told you it was allowed

January 22, 2024


"Grasshopper call for ****. You wish to accept press one to send a voicemail press two. To hear the phone number press three. To accept press one to send a voicemail press two. To hear the phone number press three. To accept press one to send a voicemail press two. To hear the phone number press" seemed to be the hidden automated voice recorded message to be provided along with this number registered as "Chicago, Illinois"! I looked up this company's name and was able to call them back on their real working number such as toll free 1-800-820-8210 as it was able to allow me reality access to connect with their company to find out from their "Boston, Massachusetts" branch of "24/7/365 Grasshopper Virtual PBX of America" that this kind of unknown nonworking "Chicago, Illinois" call like this out of the blue was NOT REALLY coming from them, so it's actually OKAY TO DISREGARD this kind of NONWORKING CALL no matter how ANNOYING as well as OUT OF CONTROL it KEEPS GETTING?!

October 29, 2023

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