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(305) 508-5156


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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August 13, 2022

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Comments 5

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

This is a fake charity fundraising scam! 99% of these unsolicited phone calls from charity fundraisers that pretend to raise money for veterans, police, firefighters, breast cancer, autism, and other seemingly worthy causes are ALL SCAMS!! If you want to donate to these causes, do your own research, research the Charity Navigator website, and you will find reputable charities that actually donate most of the collected money to the actual cause that they represent. All these other fake fundraising scams keep all of the collected money for themselves, some of these fake fundraisers purposely overcharge your credit card by thousands of dollars and then disappear, and they all really ruin the trust that people have for the reputable charities. Nowadays, NEVER trust any unsolicited caller who supposedly represents a charity, a US/Canadian pharmacy, a computer support person saying your computer has a virus, or a fake IRS or Social Security officer saying you have unpaid back taxes. They all use fake Caller ID or VoIP phone numbers that they change every day. Legitimate businesses never use fake phone numbers where you cannot call them back. They are all FAKE and they all try to steal your credit card information to charge thousands of dollars or they ask for your bank and personal identity information. It is really very simple and easy to avoid phone and email scams. Sometimes I love to play with these scammers by pretending to be a gullible target and stringing them along on the phone call for 30 or 60 minutes so I can at least waste their time and prevent them from scamming someone else while I cook and eat while toying with them.

December 8, 2019


Probably a scammer I blocked.

December 6, 2019

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