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(301) 786-0001

Social Security

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
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September 22, 2023

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Comments 2

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

The automated msg on my v.m. starts with "Press 2" or some such option and then goes on to leave a call back number. I think they hope to get your curiosity up enough that you will press the number or call back the number they give you. I am 73-yrs-old, so am obviously a candidate for calls from "Roboscam World",but I never pick up calls unless the number is a personal friend/associate. The same would be true for the IRS scammers who try in the spring although they usually have a very American-sounding woman's voice, and this caller does not. If you aren't experienced in dealing with these cockroaches: BELIEVE ME--if the U.S. Federal Government wants to get in touch with you, they will--don't you worry about hurting their feelings or being penalized because you "missed" their call. They will follow up any unreturned or unanswered telephone call by mail. Ignore these calls and/or messages.

September 15, 2019


September 14, 2019

Social Security Scam

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