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(276) 282-7102


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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June 13, 2024

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Comments 4

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

I'm a newly published author of a children's book. I've been self promoting. On June 11, 2024 I was excited that I got a call from Jenny 276-282-7102 with similar pitch to the above comments. I offered her two prices and I was told I'd get a call back. I started to investigate the number and found that this has happened to similar people. If it's not a legit site, I hope whatever they are up to they find a soul and realize how sad and disappointed they leave hard working authors. Again, I have no proof of any wrong doing but nonetheless if you promise a call back then follow through.

June 17, 2024

Sales Offer

She wanted to know if we would sell our books at a discounted price to be displayed in their bookstore. We told her to send us the terms and conditions via

June 5, 2024

Sales Offer
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