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Comments 2

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January 11, 2024


Kill every black person in the world they all must die and kill every person with black DNA they must die and kill everybody that helps are marrieds a black person must die and kill everybody that gives aid to black people all must die. Thanks for doing a great job by killing these useless people. Target is for Blacks, Gays, Queers, Lesbians, Transgenders, Drag Queens and LGBTQ a Place to die. Joe Biden and Joe Biden's Administration lied. Cops and policemen are good. Kill all black people in the world they are useless trash that must die. Kill all fake homeless they all must die. Kill All Democrat Politicians they all must be deported and lose their citizenship. Kill all Black people, Gays, Queers, Lesbians, Transgenders, Drag Queens and LGBTQ people. America needs to hired Saudi Arabia border guards to protect the USA borders. Kill All Black people, Asians, Haitisn, Afghans, Muslims and Latinos and Mexicans and Hondurans and Cubans and Ukrainians and people of color and all Illegal immigrants, Migrants and Refugees all must die. Kill All Gays, Queers, lesbians, Transgenders, Drag Queens and LGBTQ plus put all business that support them out of business. The World Needs to put Black Lives Matter out of business and all Black Lives Matter members, protesters and associates they are Terrorists and they must be deported and lose their citizenship. Everybody that has tattoos on their Face or neck must be deported and lose their citizenship. All NAACP members and employees and all black Organizations members and employees must be deported and lose their citizenship. It's Joe Biden and Joe Biden's Administration and Democrat Politicians causing all the crimes, mass shootings and all the murders in the USA. Americans live in hell because of Joe Biden and Joe Biden's Administration and Democrat Politicians. We must Kill all black people in the world. Kill Volodymyr Zelenskyy and kill all Ukrainians and kill everybody that are helping or giving aid to Ukraine. Joe Biden and Joe Biden's Administration, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg and all the Democrat Politicians are to blame for killing All Americans. Kill all Illegal immigrants, Migrants and Refugees. Everybody with Black DNA and all Black people must be deported and lose their citizenship. All Black people, Asians, Haitisn, Afghans, Muslims and Latinos and Mexicans and Hondurans and Cubans and people of color and all Illegal immigrants, Migrants and Refugees must be deported and lose their citizenship. Kill Volodymyr Zelenskyy and kill all Ukrainians and kill everybody that are helping or giving aid to Ukraine.

September 12, 2023

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