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(216) 428-1860


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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last call

August 28, 2024

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Comments 3

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Please call the number on the back of your caller ID to be connected to a live representative to discuss an important matter with our office. <repeat>. So tired of these calls.

July 1, 2024


Phillip Ferguson calling from JW Servicing Group - asking me to call the number on my ID to be connected to a Service Agent about a Sensitive Business Matter. Right, let me give you my social too. Looking up this company - total scam. Two different websites (one of which was JUST created as a domain) they look juvenile, and not professional. There is no street address, nor phone number to contact. Calling from a 216 area code when they are established in Cheektowaga, New York. BIG TIME SCAM. Don't answer, don't talk to them.

June 17, 2024

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