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(216) 282-9143


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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July 16, 2024

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Comments 3

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Emma, from Walmart verifying a purchase on my Walmart account which I don't have. Scam.

July 16, 2024


Scammer trying to get personal information and claiming my —non existing —walmart account has a balance voicemail said this, “ Station five special edition with pulse 3-D headset is being ordered from your Walmart account for an amount of $919.45 Cancel your order or to connect with one of our customer support representatives please press one thank you Hello, this is Carl from Walmart Re- authorized purchase of PlayStation five special edition with pulse 3-D headset is being ordered from your Walmart account for an amount of $919.45 Cancel your order or to connect with one of our customer support representatives please press one thank you Hello, this is Carl from Walmart a pre- authorized purchase of PlayStation five special edition with pulse 3-D headset is being ordered from your Walmart account for an amount of $919.45 to cancel your order or to connect with one of our customer support representatives please press one thank you Hello , this is Carl from Walmart a pre- authorized purchase of PlayStation five special edition with pulse 3-D headset is being ordered from your Walmart account for an amount of $919.45 Cancel your order or to connect with one of our customer support representatives please press one thank you…”

June 21, 2024

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