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(212) 863-7670



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Comments 4

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Hpd don’t even have the right address that’s not my fault if they don’t know how to spell so how am I supposed to complain about something that you can’t even put the right address down when you sent back reports I made a complaint 192HEBERTON Ave. Apartment 4B Staten Island, NY 10302. I complained about my shower will be in a foot off the ground my landlord putting the handle to the radiator underneath the shower since October 16 I’ve had no heat in my bathroom. I don’t have heat in my kitchen. I complained about windows that my landlord and they fell apart and fell on my hand and my shoulder they don’t stay up. Hpd came and looked at them and never came back. No lock on the door for four years. Nobody’s done nothing about that either so don’t tell me I didn’t get to Hpd, didn’t get to

May 8, 2024


Block this number

September 7, 2022

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