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(203) 935-8267


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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last call

May 15, 2024

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Comments 1

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

Same heavy accent telemarketer cold call group who has now called 515 times since 08/11/23 using different numbers (I keep a full record w/dates & times, many calls also recorded w/some posted on YouTube (google: v3 YouTube telemarketer, mine is 1st). They screen the calls then xfer to US companies, of which I have exposed two: One Digital of Chicago, IL (312-756-8874) & Clear Link of Utah (801-424-0018) & now AJT Diabetic (888-391-3341). This caller stated he was calling for Medicare about discounts on supplies. The accent was so strong it was hard to fully understand but when I said to stop calling, he just hung up. They often call posing as a cable company, Medicare & other Govt offices, banks (fake fraud dept scam), or selling health insurance, car warranties, solar panels, accident claims, loan scams, free internet deals, etc., in attempts to steal your ID & banking info. They have been told to stop calling 100’s of times, but they just don’t care.

May 10, 2024


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