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June 28, 2024

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It's illegal to use a LEGAL NAME Attached is the LAW and the BCCRSS You Can download your very own #BCCRSS here --> <-#BCCRSSTRUTHZONE King James Bible The Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5: 6-21) 1 And God spake all these words, saying, 2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 13 Thou shalt not kill. 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 15 Thou shalt not steal. 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. BIRTH CERTIFICATE FRAUD; CLAUSULA REBUS SIC STANTIBUS by kate of kaea “ATTENTION: Lawyer, Judge, Government Agent/employee, Police, Common Man etc. et al/any/all who serve as a fictional LEGAL NAME/TITLE/I.D.-ENTITY (pronounced phonetically example: “leg-all enemy”((N-AM-E), “tit-El”/Luciferian)) character in the legal world reality; Author’s note where the “author” is defined as anyone who uses these words as their’s where truth cannot be “copyrighted”, merely shared by agreement and these words are theirs, regardless of “who” wrote the words ab initio where truth belongs to all in CONCEPTUAL (heart and mind written, causal, not the physical “written” form, effectual.), where this writing/righting/riting is written (spelled out) in language understandable to both those in and out of the LEGAL NAME FRAUD profession/reality where the common understanding of this fraud and crime against humanity and creation is visible both in laymen’s and legal terms, not to be confused by the intent of the reader where the “author’s” (the intentions thereof/therein) intentions are crystal clear: i.e. legal word/world wranglers and twisters of “HEARINGS” where it is spelled out henceforth/herein with all potential(s) of phonics deception(s) hereby and therefore, removed, ad infinitum; For example, a phonics deception is, where one thing is SPOKEN by a non-B.A.R. member (general public/any/all legal name users without B.A.R. affiliation(s)/permission(s)), only to be re-spelled differently by any/all B.A.R. members under assumption and presumption to corrupt the ORIGINAL INTENT of the one speaking versus spelling it out, and why a FRAUDULENT, by deliberate design, LEGAL NAME non-B.A.R. member has no voice in the legal dead reality: in other words, one’s words, spoken, cannot be altered from the speaker’s ORIGINAL TRUE INTENT as to what they mean versus what the one HEARING the spoken form of the words hears, and then, corrupts them, and their SPOKEN words, by using alternative spellings under assumption/presumption of the SAME SOUND homonyms, with completely different “definition(s)” using this spelling trickery to undo them and gain the HONOUR advantage where no honour in them exists and the non-BAR member is rendered in a state of perpetual DISHONOUR unknowingly: i.e. twists them, the non-BAR member speaking/ their spoken words SPOKEN, backwards/around/opposes/negates/corrupts the SPEAKER’S original intent, to initiate and perpetrate/instigate FRAUD against them to enable “imaginary crimes” to profit from STATUTORY COMMERCIAL RAPE/KIDNAPPING etc. et al, thus why court “pro-seedings” are called HEARINGS where SPELLINGS is a more precise term for what is really going on: Thus, this is spelling it out clearly where assumption and presumtion is rendered null and void where any/all use/claiming to be a LEGAL NAME ENTITY has everyone in the original sin/sign, state of fraud from the creation of, and continued use of the LEGAL NAME that appears on every birth certificate until they remove themselves from the criminal legal reality where anyone involved in the enforcement of this fraud using violence, trickery, coercion etc. et al to ensnare with intent to enslave another, is, in fact, aiding and abetting a criminal act by forcing another into submission to its use where this truth has been exposed and where it is illegal to use any/all legal name(s)/titles ab initio; A typical court room drama example: Unwitting LEGAL NAME Deafened-ent(mind): “I do not consent” spoken with the intent of “no wish to consent” intended where the B.A.R. member a.k.a. judge, lawyer, cop etc. CAN AND WILL assume/presume in FULL/fool “honour” the words phonetically as to how THEY want to hear it and has respelled that VERBAL/FOR-BA’AL: “Aye, due knot con-se’-ent” where “aye” means yes, affirmative and tacit agreement instantly, “due”, as in debt tacit agreement, “knot”, as in tied and BO-uND, tacit agreement to slavery and “con-” (means both with/for AND against/without equally as a prefix, also means thief or criminal in common vernacular terms etc.), ” se’ ” is Latin for “himself, herself, itself” which is the entire essence of the speaker involved, and “-ent” is a suffix meaning “mind” etymologically. In short, the ones perpetuating and profiting from this LEGAL NAME FRAUD deception can hear whatever they choose to hear/here and can/will, in full honour, RESPELL every word uttered at every HEARING because it wasn’t spelled out by the speaker in writing, where it can be re-spelled by the B.A.R. member’s criminal intentions to incriminate ALL innocent AND guilty individuals equally thus painting all humanity with the same criminal brush they’ve been painted with and simply “passing the buck to make a buck” of sin/sign to another, re-writing by re-spelling the speaker’s words against them to create the B.A.R. member/servant by oath, advantage every time, in every legal reality situation. This deception/ruse/criminal enterprise is over where truth itself is all the “vengeance” one needs in a “white flag, state of truce, not surrender” stance and, where all criminals perpetuating this crime against humanity are now fully exposed for all to see: It’s illegal to use a legal name is a legal FACT; CLAUSULA REBUS SIC STANTIBUS as it pertains to BIRTH CERTIFICATE(S)/any/all contracts/treaties (hereafter shown SPELLED as CRSS or in full, commonly referred to as “the escape clause”) In LEGAL public/international law, clausula rebus sic stantibus(Latin for “things thus standing”) is the LEGAL doctrine allowing for treaties/contracts to become inapplicable, nunc pro tunc where any/ALL FRAUD revealed, renders any/all contracts NULL AND VOID, ab initio, ad infinitum, nunc pro tunc, tunc pro nunc(now for then, then for now) eliminating all TIME PERIODS relating to the contracts existence in the first place because of a fundamental change of circumstances whereas, it’s illegal to use a legal name/BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME/TITLE where the INTENT to create a FRAUDULENT THIRD PARTY is evidenced in any/all BIRTH CERTIFICATES by the very existence of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE as self-evident. CRSS is essentially and fundamentally purposed as an “escape clause” that makes an exception to the general rule of PACTA SUNT SERVANDA (promises must be kept) THUS REMOVING ALL PRIOR/PREVIOUS assumption(s) and/or presumption(s) any/all parties, legal and/or otherwise to the contrary where this fraud is revealed; Because the doctrine poses a risk to the security (securities a.k.a. money) of treaties/contracts where those profiting from this “by design” FRAUD by exposing this INTENT TO COMMIT FRAUD and those perpetuating it as its scope, is relatively/completely unconfined/without borders, it requires strict LEGAL regulations as to the conditions in which it may be invoked where only those claiming to be LEGAL I.D.-ENTITIES within the legal reality confines are concerned, and where one is no longer deemed a LEGAL I.D.-ENTITY thereafter since this is the last LEGAL ACT, in the common sense of the definitions, of one who was formerly deceived by the LEGAL NAME/BIRTH CERTIFICATE FRAUD where it is now KNOWN to be FRAUD and where/wear/ware/we’re/were the one invoking this clause no longer wishes to commit legal name fraud/any crimes against another whatsoever, while removing all traces of the former I.D.-entity from their’s and everyone else’s reality, regardless of the AIDING AND ABETTING attempts of/by/for/in FRAUD by various CROWN CORPORATION AGENTS to illicit/force/demand/coerce etc. et al anyone/all who have stated AND shown otherwise;

June 28, 2024

Government Scam

Totally FAKE "your personal/business/student loan, hardship loan, mortgage or home equity loan, debt relief, debt consolidation, tax debt or government grant application has been pre-approved/approved or needs to be finalized" scam by criminals phoning from the Philippines. This is a massive fake financial services loan scam by Puta'ng Ina Ka criminals calling from the Philippines, stealing your credit card numbers, Social Security number, bank account and personal information. There are thousands of these scams where they pretend to be fake debt collectors threatening you for debts that you do not owe, offer to lower the interest rate on credit cards or a fake student loan that you do not have, offer you a fake home equity loan based on a request that you did not inquire about, consolidate all your credit cards and debts at 0% interest, or give you an unsecured $100,000 line of credit. This call may begin with a huge variety of pre-recorded messages generated using text-to-speech translation software to disguise the origin of this Philippines scam. This scammer uses hundreds of fake company names, speaks your full name to try to gain your trust, and may falsely tell you that they previously mailed you a loan application or that you had previously applied for their loan. The scammer tells you that because of your good credit history, he can offer you lower interest rates on personal and business loans. He asks for your SSN "for verification purposes" and asks for your credit card or bank account number "so they can deposit your (fake) loan". Or the scammer says that to prove your credibility, you must first buy a prepaid gift card and give him the card number and PIN code. This Filipino scammer also uses these same thousands of phone numbers to run many other scams including offering fake Medicare, health insurance, auto insurance and car warranties, pretends to be debt collectors, impersonates Google, AT&T DirecTV or Comcast, or pretends to be fake fundraisers collecting for various charities but they keep all charity donations for themselves. About 50% of North America scam calls come from India and 45% come from the Philippines. Foreign scammers run hundreds of fraud, extortion, and money laundering scams every day such as posing as a fake pharmacy, fake Social Security officer saying your benefits are suspended, IRS officer collecting on fake unpaid back taxes, debt collector threatening you for fake unpaid bills, fake bank/financial/FedEx/UPS/DHL scams, pretending to offer fake health insurance, car warranty, student loan forgiveness, credit card and debt consolidation services, posing as Amazon to falsely say an unauthorized purchase was made to your credit card or your Prime membership was auto-debited from your bank, posing as Microsoft/Dell/HP/Apple to say your account has been hacked or they detected a virus on your computer, fake "we are refunding your money" or "your account has been auto-debited" scams, fake Google/Alexa listing scams, posing as electric utilities, Verizon, AT&T, or Comcast, fake solar panel and home purchase offers, fake fundraisers asking for donations, fake phone surveys, and the scammers try to steal your credit card, bank account/routing number, Social Security number, and personal information. India scammers often rotate through fake tech support, subscription auto-renewal, and fake pharmacy scams on the same day. Philippines scammers operate more auto/home/health/life insurance, Social Security and Medicare identity theft, loan and tax/debt relief scams, and fake charity donation scams. Scammers use disposable VoIP phone numbers (e.g. MagicJack) or they spoof fake names and numbers on Caller ID. Anyone can use telecom software to phone with a fake CID name and number. Scammers spoof thousands of fake 8xx toll-free numbers. CID is useless with scam calls unless the scam asks you to phone them back. CID area codes are never the origin of scam calls since scams use spoofed CID numbers from across the US and Canada, numbers belonging to unsuspecting people, invalid area codes, and fake foreign country CID numbers; e.g. fake women crying "help me" emergency scams often spoof Mexico and Middle East CID numbers. Scammers often spoof the actual phone numbers of businesses such as Apple, Verizon, and banks to trick you into thinking the call is valid. How can you avoid being scammed by phone calls? NEVER trust any unsolicited caller who: sells something (most unsolicited calls are scams so your odds of saving money are very poor); asks for your Social Security number; offers a free gift or reward; threatens you with arrest/lawsuit or says you need to reply back soon (pressure tactic); asks you to access a website, download a file, wire transfer money or buy prepaid debit/gift cards; claims suspicious activity on your account; says your subscription is being refunded or auto-renewed/auto-debited; and all pre-recorded messages. Recordings are far more likely to be malicious scams and not just telemarketer spam. All unsolicited callers with foreign accents, usually Indian or Filipino, are usually scams. Filipino scammers tend to speak better English than Indian scammers. Filipinos speak English with a subtle accent that may sound Hispanic. Scams often say that you inquired about a job, insurance, Social Security benefits, or that you previously contacted them or visited their website. A common India scam plays a fake Amazon recording. Amazon account updates are emailed, not robo-dialed. Many banks use automated fraud alert calls to confirm a suspicious purchase, but verify the number that the recording tells you to phone or just call the number printed on your credit card. India scammers impersonate AT&T DirecTV, Comcast, or a cable/Internet company, offering fake discounts or service upgrades. Indians impersonate the IRS and Social Security Administration. The IRS/SSA never make unsolicited calls and never threaten to arrest you; they initiate contact via postal mail. Real lawsuits are not phoned in, especially not using pre-recorded threats lacking details; legal notices are mailed/couriered. The police, FBI, DEA never phone to threaten arrest; they show up in person with a warrant. Scammers try to gain your trust by saying your name when they call; their autodialer displays your name or says your name in a recording when your number is dialed using databases that list millions of names with addresses and birthdays. Scammers often call using an initial recording speaking English, Spanish, or Chinese that is easily generated using text-to-speech translation software to disguise the origin of their overseas phone room. Some speech synthesis sound robotic, but most AI-speech sounds natural. To hide their foreign origin, some India scammers use non-Indians in their phone room. Scammers often use interactive voice response (IVR) robotic software that combines voice recognition with artificial intelligence, speaks English with American voices, and responds based on your replies. IVR calls begin with: "Hi, this is fake_name, I am a fake_job_title on a recorded line, can you hear me okay?"; or "Hi, this is fake_name, how are you doing today?"; or "Hello? (pause) Are you there?"; or "Hi, may I speak to your_name?" IVR quickly asks you a short question to elicit a yes/no reply so it hangs up if it encounters voicemail. IVR robots understand basic replies and yes/no answers. To test for IVR, ask "How is the weather over there?" since IVR cannot answer complex questions and it keeps talking if you interrupt it in mid-sentence. IVR usually transfers you to the scammer, but some scams entirely use IVR with the robot asking for your credit card or SSN. A common myth is IVR calls record you saying "yes" so scammers can authorize purchases just using your "yes" voice, but scammers need more than just a recorded "yes" from you - credit cards and SSN. Phone/email scams share two common traits: the CID name/number and the "From:" header on emails are easily faked, and the intent of scam calls is malicious just as file attachments and website links on scam emails are harmful. Scams snowball for many victims. If your personal/financial data are stolen, either by being scammed, visiting a malicious website, or by a previous data breach of a business server that stores your data, then your data gets sold by scammers on the dark web who will see you as fresh meat and prey on you even more. This is why some receive 40+ scam calls everyday while others get only 0 to 2 calls per week. If you provide your personal data to a phone scammer, lured by fake 80%-discounted drugs or fake loan and debt services, you receive even more phone scams and identity theft can take years to repair. Most unsolicited calls are scams, often with an Indian accent. No other country is infested with pandemics of phone room sweatshops filled with criminals who belong to the lowest India caste and many are thieves and rapists who were serving jail time but released early due to prison overcrowding. Scammers often shout profanities at you. Just laugh at their abusive language. Google "Hindi swear words" and memorize some favorites, e.g. call him "Randi Ka Beta" (son of whore) or call her "Randi Ka Betty" (daughter of whore). Scammers ignore the National Do-Not-Call Registry; asking scammers to stop calling is useless. You do these scammers a favor by quickly hanging up. But you ruin their scams when you slowly drag them along on the phone call, give them fake personal and credit card data (16 random digits starting with 4 for Visa, 5 for MasterCard), ask them to speak louder and repeat what they said to waste their time and energy.

June 27, 2024


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