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RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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February 28, 2020

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Comments 17

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

These clowns are calling people I haven't associated with in almost 20 years and asking for me. Many voicemails have been left on my cell also. Says she's Holley Evans and her company has been hired to do an audit for a client, last chance, garnishment or jail, blah, blah, blah. Its supposedly for a credit card from 2012 that I definitely, without a doubt, never had. Yesterday they gave my husband a website ( which of course is "under construction" but conveniently points out a chat feature to contact them immediately. (844) 649-4630 is another number they've used. It seems they called themselves TriStar with that number but all the rest was the same.There is a list of complaints 7 pages long when searched under that number. I honestly can't wait till they call when I'm home and bored. I'm going to let them think they've hooked me and that I'm sending in every dime they ask for. Then I'm going to keep them looking forward to that money for just as long as I possibly can. Let them feel like the suckers for a change.

March 6, 2020


The person called me today and I picked up they asked how can I help you and I said You called me how can I help you she asked my name and said she needs the last four of my social security to pull up what ever it was something to do with my drivers lic or something and I said I’m not giving you that info and She said that she would put in the notes are being uncooperative and they would go ahead with the paperwork and hung up on me.

February 28, 2020

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